Our Vision & Core Values
At Cornerstone we are committed to our vision statement and our core values. We believe by focusing on these things, our church will continue to be a light to the world and a city on a hill. By taking seriously our vision and core values, we hope to bring glory to God and serve the spiritual good of his people.
As a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), we hold to the confessional statements of the PCA. We believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, that there is one God self-existing in three persons, and in God's plan of salvation for us. Wherever you are in your faith, we invite you to visit our community and to discover a place you can call your spiritual home.
our vision and values
Vision Statement:
Cornerstone exists to glorify God by making gospel-centered disciples who will bring the hope and renewal of Jesus Christ to greater Philadelphia and the world.
Core Values:
To learn more about our core values, click each core value, which will send you to a sermon about it.